AI Project Software

AI-Enhanced Dining

The story

Our client, a rapidly growing startup in the food technology sector based in Sweden. Owning a renowned chain of restaurants aimed to stay ahead of the culinary game. They required a comprehensive dashboard that would provide an in-depth understanding of their ongoing services, from sales insights to inventory management. To cater to this demand, we designed an advanced AI-driven system that integrates various aspects of kitchen management into one streamlined platform.

The challenge

The challenge at hand had several critical aspects within the restaurant industry, demanding innovative solutions. It required the precision of accurate sales predictions, a daunting task given the industry’s ever-changing dynamics. Additionally, crafting a menu that could adapt to the diverse and evolving preferences of customers was essential. Real-time cooking estimates had to be generated, considering factors like kitchen traffic and order complexity to ensure efficient operations. Personalizing recommendations for a broad and varied clientele was another hurdle to overcome. Lastly, managing inventory effectively while preserving ingredient freshness posed a significant challenge.

The solution

The solution to the challenges involved harnessing the capabilities of machine learning and data analytics. To enhance accuracy, data augmentation techniques were employed, reinforcing the XGBoost model’s ability to adapt to unpredictable shifts in sales trends. Deep learning algorithms played a crucial role in fine-tuning menu recommendations and suggesting promotional days, catering to the restaurant’s diverse clientele. The approach encompassed a comprehensive strategy, including the development of a dashboard tailored for kitchen owners, offering valuable insights into offerings and sales trends. Additionally, an advanced XGBoost-powered sales forecasting model empowered chefs and managers to plan ahead, while menu engineering went beyond standard options by analyzing menu popularity and proposing data-driven culinary creations. Promotional day suggestions, real-time cooking time estimations, personalized meal recommendations, and AI-driven smart staffing and inventory management rounded out the holistic solution, ensuring punctuality, customer satisfaction, and optimal operations.

The outcome

With AI, the restaurant chain witnessed a transformative leap. Sales forecasts boasted an accuracy rate of 93%, leading to improved inventory management. The kitchen staff could optimize operations, from ingredient procurement to staffing needs, ensuring timely service and delighted customers.

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AI Software

AI-based Coaching App

The story

Our client, previously engaged in sports broadcasting in India, particularly focusing on cricket, envisioned a transformative venture in the realm of sports through the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Recognizing the potential of AI, the client aspired to develop an AI-based coaching platform, driven by the goal of achieving a breakthrough in sports.

The challenge

The challenge at hand was to implement a machine learning project capable of detecting player motion and automatically providing insights into posture accuracy and mistakes made by the player. This required a combination of cutting-edge technologies and a deployment infrastructure to support the AI-based coaching platform.

The solution

The solution to the challenge of developing an AI-based coaching platform involved deploying specific technologies and responsibilities. Terraform was utilized for Infrastructure as Code (IaC) to efficiently deploy the Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), ensuring a scalable and manageable infrastructure. A standalone Kubeflow instance on Kubernetes, a machine learning toolkit, was implemented to facilitate the development and deployment of machine learning workflows.

Additionally, Google Cloud Build pipelines were created to streamline and automate building and testing processes, thereby enhancing the overall system’s efficiency. The key technologies employed in this comprehensive solution include Terraform for IaC, GKE for scalable infrastructure, Kubeflow for machine learning workflows, and Google Cloud Build for the automated creation of pipelines. This collective approach forms a robust foundation for the AI-based coaching platform, meeting the client’s goal of revolutionizing sports coaching through advanced technology.

The outcome

The result of implementing this solution is an AI-based coaching platform capable of detecting player motion and providing automatic feedback on posture accuracy and mistakes. The integration of Terraform, GKE, Kubeflow, and Google Cloud Build collectively enables a powerful and scalable infrastructure, supporting the client’s vision of creating a sports breakthrough through innovative AI applications in coaching.

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AI Project Software

AI Infused Assistant

The story

The client specializes in providing Intelligent Finance solutions tailored for consumer brands, particularly those operating on platforms like Shopify and Amazon. Their services include access to vital financial metrics such as Connected P&L, balance sheets, cash flow analysis, and monthly projections. A unique feature of their offering is an AI Assistant that facilitates users in engaging with their financial databases using natural language, transforming database queries and interactions into smooth conversations.

The challenge

The client’s AI Assistant development was marked by a dual challenge. We initially focused on establishing an adaptable database schema to manage diverse data sources, followed by careful data cleaning and transformation for optimal AI interactions. Integrating the ChatGPT API was pivotal, facilitating interactions ranging from database queries to access control. Crafting the AI Assistant’s multifaceted capabilities, including generating emails and reports, was essential.

In parallel, we worked closely with the frontend team to blend our backend expertise with a user-friendly UI. Our solutions directly confronted challenges, resulting in an exceptional AI Assistant. This ensured uninterrupted interactions despite potential API errors, establishing smooth connections with databases, addressing varied user input, enhancing response quality through GPT model optimization, implementing dynamic question suggestions, optimizing performance, and ensuring robust data security measures.

The solution

Our innovative solutions spanned various domains, culminating in a transformative AI Assistant development process. In the realm of AI, we crafted an AI API endpoint as the nucleus of AI-related tasks, holding on formatting guidelines for structured output and adeptly managing multi-user and concurrent requests. The integration of OpenAI’s GPT-3 endowed the AI Assistant with natural language interaction capabilities, fostering meaningful exchanges with users.

The project’s computer backend was built using Python. To make the program smart and able to chat with users, we used the OpenAI API and GPT-3, which are like the brains behind the scenes. We created a special way for the program to talk to users through a system called FastAPI, which helps everything run smoothly. When it came to putting the program online for people to use, we used Heroku, a platform that ensures it stays available and works well. This combination of tools allowed us to create a helpful and easy-to-use finance assistant for the project, making it popular in the finance and online shopping world.

The outcome

The collaborative efforts achieved remarkable outcomes. The client’s expression of satisfaction resonated through multiple emails, attesting to the project’s efficacy and user-friendly nature. Notably, the AI Assistant played a pivotal role in augmenting the client’s investor meetings and funding endeavors, elevating the quality of their financial presentations and insights. This success reverberated through the industry, with our project garnering recognition for its innovative approach and impressive usability, leading to influencer attention and commendation on LinkedIn.

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